понедельник, 21 февраля 2011 г.

Risk factors

# sedentary lifestyle
# emotional overload

Diet for preventing high blood pressure

Strongly forbidden to eat:
* Fast food: McDonald's, any other beef and any other fatty meat
* Coca-Cola and any other soda and tonic beverages
* Instant food - because it contains a lots of species and carcinogens

Recommended to limit eating (but I am gonna exclude this from my diet at all):
* Salt (hide it from my eyes and mark it so that I didn't touched it) Buy salt with low content of natrium (profilakticheskaya sol').

How to improve the taste of food:
* Salt substitute:
** Lemon
** Coriander
** Dill
** Parsley
** Natural additives with clear known ingredients

Nutrition schedule:
* Night: Ayran